TUT Inverse Problems


Presentations given by our team members in various data formats. You can view the presentations by clicking on the thumbnails or the corresponding button. Note that the Prezi presentations require Flash player to work.

Automatic species recognition with QSMs

A presentation on automatic tree species recognition presented by M. Åkerblom at UCL on March 1st, 2017. The content requires JavaScript and Flash Player to work. Created with Prezi.

The presentation goes over the poster on the same topic and the Automatic species recognition video was also shown during the presentation.

Quantitative structure tree models from terrestrial laser scanner data

Presentation on quantitative structure models given by P. Raumonen at the Silvilaser 2015 conference in September 2015.

3D and 4D forest models

This presentation on modeling forests in 3D and 4D was given by M. Kaasalainen at the 5th Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference (NBBC15) in June 2015.

Bayesian calibration of Yasso15 soil carbon model

The full title of the presentation is Bayesian calibration of Yasso15 soil carbon model using global-scale litter decomposition and carbon stock measurements and it was presented by M. Järvenpää at the 5th Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference (NBBC15) in June 2015.

Disseminating tree models and other research results

A presentation on our groups dissemination methods given by M. Åkerblom in the Innovative means to disseminate scientific information session of the IBFRA 2015 conference. The content requires JavaScript and Flash Player to work. Created with Prezi.

If you prefer a more traditional format, this presentation is also available as a PDF version, but do note that the Prezi version also contains videos.

Massive-scale tree modelling from TLS data

A presentation on performing automatic tree extraction and reconstruction from point clouds of massive-scale, containing dozens to thousands of trees. Some algorithm details are explained and two test cases with their results are presented. The presentation was given by M. Åkerblom at the PIA15/HRIGI15 conference.

The presentation was made using HTML and JavaScript libraries impress.js and d3.js and should therefore work in any modern web browser. Arrow keys and spacebar can be used to switch slides.

Modeling root-stump systems

A presentation given by P. Raumonen with the title 3D modeling of stump-root systems from TLS measurements for environmental applications at the Silvilaser 2013 conference held at Beijing, China October 9-11, 2013.

Available also as an embedded slideshow.

Irregular body reconstruction

The full title of the presentation is Reconstruction of Irregular Bodies from Multiple Data Sources and it was first presented at the Computational Science Days December 2nd 2011.

Available also as an embedded slideshow.

Presentation on tree modelling

A presentation first given at the Inverse Days of 2011 on tree modelling. The content requires JavaScript and Flash Player to work. Created with Prezi.

Introduction to inverse problems

A presentation given for students explaining inverse problems through some examples. The presentation is in Finnish. The content requires JavaScript and Flash Player to work. Created with Prezi.

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